Wir stellen aus: Bücher-Sonntag deluxe, Börse für antiquarische Bücher, 16. März 2025, 10 bis 16 Uhr, Wohnung Emil Löwenbach (by Adolf Loos), Reischachstrasse 3, 1010 Wien. www.buechersonntag.blogspot.com – 31. Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse in Halle 5 der Leipziger Buchmesse, 27.-30. März 2025. www.abooks.de – Vienna Vintage Photo Fair, 6. April 2025, MuseumsQuartier Architekturzentrum Podium, Wien. photofairwien.com – NEUER E-KATALOG: Neueingänge Dezember 2024 – PHOTOGRAPHIE / PHOTOGRAPHY – wichtige Fotobücher von 1839 bis heute, darunter zahlreiche Widmungsexemplare und Bücher mit Orig.-Photographien (kann unter „Aktuelle Kataloge“ abgerufen werden). – Außerdem finden Sie Beiträge von uns im virtuellen „Schaufenster“ des Verbandes Deutscher Antiquare (VDA) https://schaufenster.antiquare.de/trefferliste.php?ID=22 (oder über „Links“ VDA) – Versandkosten ins Ausland auf Anfrage. – Besuchen Sie uns in unserem neuen Ladengeschäft in der Kaiserstrasse 99 in Karlruhe (Mo.-Fr. 11-18 h., Sam. 11-16 h) mit einer reichen Auswahl seltener und schöner Bücher aus allen Gebieten, Graphik und Photographien.

Madoz, Obras maestras

Madoz, Obras maestras

Madoz, Chema (eig. José María Rodriguez). Obras maestras. (Essays by Duane Michals, Olivia Maria Rubio, Estrella de Diego and Christian Caujolle). Tercera edición revisada y ampliada con nuevas imágenes. Madrid, La Fábrica (2009). 4°. 444, (5) S. mit über 300 Duotone-Tafeln. OLn. mit illustr. OU.

Erste Ausgabe des Werkverzeichnisses des spanischen Foto-Künstlers. – Von C. Madoz auf dem Titelblatt signiert. – „This book, which initiates La Fábrica’s Masterpieces Collection, tells the story of Chema Madoz through the reproduction of more than 300 photographs within its 480 pages. Page by page, three decades of creation are covered and the artist’s inner world is revealed. His life and works are discovered thanks to essays by Duane Michels, Olivia Maria Rubio, Estrella de Diego and Christian Caujolle as well as an extensive and detailed illustrated chronology“ (Klappentext). – „I am astouned and delighted by his wit. Surely must be Borges’ unborn son“ (D. Michals). – „Chema Madoz born in 1958 in Madrid, where he lives and works. He studied History of Art at the Complutense University of Madrid. His first individual exhibition was in Madrid in 1983, at the Royal Photographic Society of Madrid. Since 1990 he has been developing the concept of objects, a subject which would appear constantly in his photography until the present. The photographs show in a subtle and ironic way paradoxical worlds of everyday objects. Familiar objects are placed in a new context, beyond a function – and achieve a new meaning through the playful interaction with other objects. These assembled constructions play with reality, our perception and exaggerate it – and release it in a poetic way. … Madoz’s photographs are titled “Untitled”, which is itself a paradox. In fact, by titling his photographs “Untitled”, what Madoz does is to paradoxically, (un)title his photographs. Madoz plays with the (visual) poetry of language and the complex simplicity of his (re) contextualised (re) presentations which, via resemblance and distraction, are performed in our intellect, leading us into a state of not only dual contemplation but of interaction; giving us, in any case, something we did not have before“ (P. V. Mullor, Eyemazing issue 02-2007). – Tadellos.

Unser Preis: EUR 400,--